Saturday, October 31, 2009

Middendorf's - new to TimmY and Nanette

We headed out to Middendorf's this morning with a stop at Frenier, so Timmy could see the beautiful view of Lake Pontchartrain. When we got to Middendorf's Barbara was there to join us for part of our daytrippin'. Timmy really liked his thin fried catfish. We also had some homemade ice cream. Choices were chocolate, peach, strawberry and pumpkin. I had the chocolate with whipped cream, which I adore. Then went to the Joyce Wildlife Management area where we took a few pictures of the swamp foliage. Next it's off to do some antique shopping and to hit Berrytown to replenish my berry supply. Finally, we hit a few more stops on old 51 to enjoy the scenery. It was a lovely day, sunny and cool.

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